Saturday 26 April 2014

Babies 27 & 28 (again!)

 Oh look!  Preggers!  To Baby 27 and, most likely, Baby 28 as well.
 Sloane the fairy on the rocking horse.
 Me helping Paris with her homework.
 Ladybug declared me her best friend!  Look at the way she's looking at me.
 Smoochie smoochie!
 Fly, my child.
All the kids were at school so I was home alone and I went out to the garage to cut some gems but I went into labour!
 I drove myself to the hospital and soon after Salem arrived.
Baby 27 is the same as last time, Lila Madison Bloom, with the Genius and Perceptive traits (she had blue skin five seconds earlier I swear!).
And this time we have Baby 28 as a GIRL!  Willow Jean Bloom.  She has Isaac's traits, Artistic and Excitable.  Flynn rushed from his field trip to be there with me.
 Looks like Lila and I are stuck in the bushes!
 I'm expecting musical skin tones to happen once again, just like last time.
Um, really, Starsprinkle, father of Sloane and Paris?  Seems like Flynn's at home, actually. 
Both of the babies we're crying and Ladybug woke me to alert me!
Sloane the fairy-astronaut!
Twinnanigans going on.
The girls playing tag.  I feel Sloane has an advantage, though, being able to fly and all.
Paris, please do not drip water all over the computer!
Oh, yes!  Of course!  Love Day is the girls' birthday.  Oldest Sloane is going first...
It's okay darling, you can have a makeover.  She gained the Nurturing trait (same as before).
Paris next!
You too can have a wardrobe renovation.  She gained the Perceptive trait (also the same as before).
Sloane gave herself a fairy makeover.
"Sis, we just aged up!" she goes to tell her sister.
Paris chooses a flower arrangement for her hair which matches her lovely, unexplainable eyes. 

Please vote for your favourite Bloom baby to the right, just out of interest!  We've had three surprising votes so far!

Thursday 24 April 2014

Back from a Horrible Hiatus

Hey guys, I'm back!  Well, the reason that I have been away for so long is that my game stuffed up AGAIN.  It wouldn't save from where I had last blogged up to.  I also accidentally deleted the backup file somehow, so my save file still exists up to that point but it can't be loaded.  LUCKILY, before I installed my mods, I made a backup folder of my whole Sims 3 folder, SO now we're back to where we were just before I installed the mods.  This means we are back to the beginning of the Babies 27 & 28 post, up to the part where Sloane and Blanche are playing.  This is okay because Blanche was pregnant with (possibly) Lila and Isaac before I installed the mods, so she doesn't have to become re-pregnant to Salem.  I only hope she has the same children again!  I was hoping to never have a child reborn as a different child (i.e. I would hate to have two girls or two boys this time, it has to be Lila and Isaac again).  ALSO, this means that, since I did not previously have story progression, none of Blanche's children (except Jagger) are married, and she has no grandchildren (entirely negating the previous So Many Grandchildren! post, ironically).  I'm going to keep the previous two posts up, however, since some of you have read it.  But just keep note that we are now back to where Blanche is pregnant with Baby 27 and, possibly, 28.