Saturday 5 July 2014

Fall Fails and Farces

 Little Isaac is not happy!
There's a bat under the trampoline!!
I never noticed the back of Drew's hair sticking up like that, so I thought it might have something to do with him having just gotten out of bed.
But alas it is actually how his hair sits.
 That is not how you use the sonic shower, Sloane.
Daisy's grown up into a toddler.
ANOTHER BLONDE!  Yay!  Now Evie has a sibling who shares the same hair colour as her (I still have no idea where Evie's hair colour came from).
 Drew's been working hard at Martial Arts and has gained a new belt!
 That look of determination.
 Oh wow... he's got a large set of lungs on him, this one!
Isaac: "Really, Daisy, it's just a doll.  Get over it and grab another one."
The two toddlers playing happily together.  They are quite close in age and I can already tell that they are fast becoming friends!  It will be nice to have two non-twins be so close (though it's happened before).
'But Blanche, you haven't painted in quite a while!' I hear you say.  Well, I decided to become a self-employed painter again.  This will be the third time.  The first time I was on level 8 or 9 of the career but then I went missing for some reason and lost any evidence of that happening.  I then rejoined the painter career only to start back on level 1!  I left the painter career for a short stint as a home daycare.  But now I've decided to get back in the painter career, as my paintings are worth so much that it won't be hard to climb back up to the top!
WELL.  Willow ate some of the hot and sour soup that I made, only to breathe fire onto a chair at the dining table.
Which then turned into this.  Lila, Sloane and Paris were at school and Flynn was at work.  Willow missed school (and a field trip!) because she was working on her homework at the last minute!!
Poor Drew was also trapped inside with Willow.
I managed to move Isaac and Daisy outside and get Ladybug out of the way too.  This random lady ran over to see what was happening.
Brave Drew (though without the trait) stepped in to extinguish the flames.  Both Willow and I called the fire fighters three times and they never showed up!!  The fire kept spreading throughout the whole room and soon Drew was on fire!!  He ran outside into the rain and he was soon extinguished.
He went straight back inside to finish it off!!  Soon Flynn came home and the two of them managed to tackle the fire.
The aftermath.
Drew looks victorious as he scolds Willow.  Willow insists that it wasn't her fault, which I know it wasn't.  It was my fault for making hot and sour soup.
Well later that night it was birthday time for Lila and Willow.  Here's Willow.
 And Lila going cross-eyed.
 Lila aged into a teen (still cross-eyed), gaining the Supernatural Fan trait.
After a little makeover, she looks ravishing.
Pretty Willow gained the Socially Awkward trait.
Teaching Paris to drive I somehow ended up at the consignment store (at like 3am) and Baby 20 Effie was there!  And her father Kenji!
 Lila really wanted to rake a leaf pile.
 A pile of strays out the front.
To make up for skipping school and starting the fire, genie Willow magically cleaned me and the house!  That expression!
We decided to go to the fall festival on Spooky Day.  We have not been to a festival in AGES.  In fact, I think the last one we went to was a fall festival, but it wasn't even last year!  That's how long it's been.  In the car with my three pink-haired ladies shown (and Isaac).
 Ladybug lies in the road for some reason.
Monet (#18 and Effie's fellow triplet) was also there! Her eyes are strange though... she was a zombie at one point, I know, so maybe that's why here eyes are like that.
Lila looks uneasy around such a large crowd (though she should be used to it living in a house of 9).
Willow, Isaac and me.
Everyone soon went home as the four teenage girls wanted to go trick or treating.  Flynn and I stayed behind a bit though and went home together.
The girls never got to go trick or treating as it was too late, but I did get to see our friends the Messina's house two houses up from us with it's pretty lights on!  You might remember impostor mermaid Magenta lived here once!
Making a special Spooky Day meal (the puddle is because we were in the rain, ah thank you).
Pumpkin pie!
All sitting around the table eating our pumpkin pie.  Clockwise from left: Willow, Paris, Flynn, Me, Lila, Drew.
Sloane decided to be a loner and sit outside... well, she had Ladybug with her.  The babies were in bed, of course.  

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