Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Update I Didn't Want to Have to Make

Hi, not Blanche here.  At the moment, it seems like I won't be able to continue the baby challenge. My computer does not like the game - and by game I mean the specific save file for the Blooms. Most of my other saves seem to work fine.  Let me tell you what the problem is.

I have a Mac.  It has great specs, so you'd think that the game would run great, right?  Wrong. There have been issues for Mac users ever since the game was released.  These issues include the Exception Raised Error (to do with Cider) and Error Code 12 (to do with memory).  I encounter both of these problems with the Blooms.  Multiple times I have tried to move Lila and Willow out (there's nine people in the house at the moment, so that might have something to do with the problems) but each and every time I try it I encounter one of these errors.  Sometimes Exception Raised will pop up as soon as the save file loads (which takes forever), sometimes it pops up after a few minutes of playing. I try going straight into Edit Town the second I get on the game (without even taking it off pause) to move them out.  That part works fine usually and I get all excited when I'm reduced back to seven people in the house.  Only when I go to save it, Error Code 12 comes up.  There appears to be no way around it.  These issues only really started to come up frequently when I installed the mods.  I am thinking of uninstalling the mods and seeing how that works out but they've already infiltrated my game and become an integral part of it (mainly Story Progression, for the kids who have already moved out, and WooHooer, not to mention the nine people in the house who I don't know what will happen to if I get rid of the mod that allows this).  If this continues to be an issue... I don't know what I'll do. 

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