Thursday 23 January 2014

Babies 16 & 17: Twins AGAIN?

Savannah called to chat with me!
 Look at the cutie at the door - it's Alejandro! I need to get a move on with the new babies, as there has been a drought lately!
 We really cut to the chase. (Not the Jagger Chase, hehe)
 Looks like Thomas has already jumped in Ryder's grave - and look! His eyes are closed for once!
 Liam found a stray cat in the middle of the road and went to talk to it and brush it.
 Then the POLICE came and took him for being out after curfew!! He was right outside the house!! And it was like 5:30 in the morning!!
 See!! I emphasise, right outside the house.  Can't trust the coppers these days.
 The cat disappeared but then I found it at the back door!
 Another stray cat decided to show up at the same time! I thought there weren't more than one at once?
 The other one invited itself in. Thomas and Heidi weren't happy.
 Yay! Pregnant!
 The stray cat got stuck so I had to add it to the family then put it up for adoption. It was quite sad, though.
 Despite the fact that there are now three spare beds downstairs, in addition to the three sleeping bags, Liam insists on sleeping with me. Aw...
 Someone booby trapped the shower with hair dye! I was trapped but the colour is not dissimilar to Thomas's actual hair colour!
 After school Liam sketched at the fire station.
 Woah, getting huge!!
 I made cookies.
 I found Rose making a snow angel!
 Labour time!! And guess what? I was PAINTING, AGAIN!!  I haven't painted in over a week and when I do go to do it, I go into labour!? I'm mostly painting when the babies always come! It's odd...
 Thomas took me to the hospital. 
 Evie was at the hospital too!
 Meet Baby 16, Teddy Kenyon Bloom (Kenyon means 'white' - Blanche also means 'white').  He has the Virtuoso and Excitable traits.
 And Baby 17, Jack Alexander Bloom (Alejandro is Spanish Alexander).  He has the Light Sleeper and Genius traits.  He is held by Thomas.
How cute of Teddy!

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