Saturday 11 January 2014

Quintuple Snowflake Birthday

 It's the day after Charley's born, Snowflake Eve, and yet again it is a snow day!  This means Darcy's never going to get to go to primary school! I wonder if there will still be snow days when it comes to Spring...? Savannah's biting Hunter!!
 Just kidding, I actually caught them hugging.
 There is literally a line up to get to Charley.
 Snow Day = cleaning! I went to the book store and bought over $2000 worth of books (24 books).  I also did some present shopping for tomorrow.  Hunter, Darcy and Matilda had to make their beds.
 Everly had to clean the bath.
 Rose called to chat with Evie and invited me to a party at her house!
 Rose actually lives next door to the Hues, so Lemon was there, ready to accuse me of cheating.

 I apologised and all was good.
 Chuck was also there.
 Maybe I wasn't thinking straight, but I dared Rose to make out with him.
 She agreed, surprisingly.
 I waited in anticipation for his reaction.
 Oh, he didn't like that!
 Then he slapped my daughter!!
 It may have been my fault, but NO ONE slaps my child!!
 That night, we all snuggled in to bed, anticipating the morning.  This Snowflake Day was quite different from last Snowflake Day, when Rose was a child and our presents included a dining table.  This year we got various items that people wanted, and other things.  We got a photo booth so we can take heaps of photos and make family memories.
 A soccer ball and a football.
 A pram.
 A dollhouse.
A chess table. 
 A treehouse and a trampoline!  My kids were getting more and more spoilt (I was grateful for my long lost relatives who kept leaving me with their inheritance - it was much needed and much appreciated).  Imagine what the presents will be like in the far future... my house will be FULL!
Evie was first to wake.  I had told the kids that they had to wait for everyone before inspecting the presents.
Fun fact: there are also FIVE cakes in this house today - FIVE of my children are growing up! On Snowflake Day! What luck. 
Matilda wanted to play catch with Savannah, though, for some reason, they dislike each other.
 Had to make way for the pile of presents.
 There it is!
 Hey, Moss actually came this time, but he's in Concession Stand clothing (Lemon in foreground).
 Matilda got a present - the Rolling Leaf lamp, which I think looks like a crepe.  Here with her father, brother and two sisters (Rose's legs are behind Lilac).
My two boys, Darcy and Hunter, settle down to watch the gift opening. 
 Youngest to oldest!  Little Charley first.
 Here she is, looking a lot like Chuck, except she has my hair.
 Savannah and Darcy next!

 Savannah gained the Loves the Heat trait.
 Darcy gained the Gatherer trait (he will have to take over from Evie [also a gatherer] with my gem collecting!  We make a lot of our money by using the cutting machine to cut our gems found on our lot and then selling them.  It's was Rose's but is now Evie's job.  I guess Darcy will be next in line.)
 Matilda next!
 And Hunter.
 Here's my baby, number 2 of the challenge, Matilda Violet, now a young adult.  I gave her the Hopeless Romantic trait. Her lifetime wish is to be a Superstar Athlete (I forgot to mention Rose's when she moved out - it's the Rock Star one). She has Lilac's physique, but she's athletic! She graduated with Honors and was named Class Valedictorian (just like Rose)!! She was also awarded with the Most Likely to be a Sports Star award.
You can't see the muscles under that shirt, but they're there!
Hunter Phlox - Baby 3.  My first boy.   He's a lot like Lilac.  Except his eyes. And he's less chunky than Lilac.  He got the Family Oriented trait (like his mumma!) and the Surrounded by Family wish (also like his mumma!).  He also graduated with Honors and received the Most Artistic award. 
In addition to the Snowflake Day presents, they also get birthday presents for them individually! (Except Charley - what individual item does a toddler need?)
The music box for Savannah, the kicky sack for Matilda, the sketchbook for Hunter and the ant thing for Darcy. 

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