Thursday 9 January 2014

Babies 6 & 7

 The four babies/toddlers would have to rotate around the cots and the swing. 
 I taught Hunter to walk... in the snow.
 I sprung Rose and Hunter playing together!
 Sometimes I saw a mop floating in midair, cleaning up puddles.  Rose assured me it was all good.
 Speaking of Rose, she made some muffins to sell!
 First customers!
 Moss decided to call things off.  He knew it wasn't supposed to be a romantic relationship anyway.
 Cerulean is still attached to my kids - here with Matilda.
 And then he turned into a Zombie - what luck!?
 You haven't seen this guy before, but he's been around.  This is Chuck Hobble (playing with Hunter).  He was going to be the father of baby no. 2 but never felt comfortable... and look how it turned out!  I wouldn't have Matilda and Hunter otherwise.  He'll be used though, don't you worry...
 Before I knew it, my baby firstborn was growing up again!
 The youngest twins grew up at the same time.  Here's Evie.  I am puzzled as to where her hair colour originates from as my hair is pink and Moss' is green.  She has my eyes though.
 And this is Everly.  She has Moss' green eyes and green hair.
 Becoming a teen...
 My big baby Rose.  She is certainly Calvin's (wherever he is) daughter!  One would not think she was my daughter.  However, I think she might have my eye shape, and her nose is more like mine than it is Calvin's.  She gained the Eco-Friendly trait.
 She was rounded up by the police though, after I told her to go out hunting for gems. 
 The cop obviously thought it would be great to drive with her umbrella melding through the roof.
 Evie does not look happy that Rose is holding her twin instead of her.
 The younger twinnikins skill building!
 Matilda asleep in the swing.
 Hunter's unimpressed about something.
 I find it fun to watch my babies in the swing.
 Rose found a pretty bird but we had to sell it to get more money.
 I bought the Gem-u-cut Machine - it may have cost quite a bit, but it more than makes up for it with its purpose!
 The first twinnies grew up! Here's Matilda with Lilac's skin and my hair and eyes. She gained the Neurotic trait.
 Here's Hunter.  He has my eyes too, but Lilac's skin and hair.  He gained the Hot-headed trait.
 I had to buy a bunk bed for the twins - there was a perfect nook in the bedroom where the swing was!
 What's up, Evie? 
 I took a trip to the art gallery... only to find my squirrel painting!!
 And my wine painting.
 And my- let's not talk about that one.
 Rose brought a friend home from school. 
 The twins worked on their homework together.
 The old toilet kept breaking, so I bought us a new one!
 Evie happy with her dolly.
On Love Day, we all decided to go to the Spring Festival.  I held Everly.
 Rose held Evie.
 I got kissed at the kissing booth!
 Turns out Magenta (Hue) is working at the concession stand!
 Matilda and Hunter tearing it up on the dance floor.
 It was Prom night for Rose.  Here she is in the limo.  She got into a few fights at the dance. 
 I decided not to delay it any longer... Lemon needs to help me with my challenge. 
 He kissed me but then left!! 
 Chuck came over to accuse me of cheating - what part of no strings attached do these guys not understand!?
 I had to 'ask to be friends' with Lilac.  Apparently I'd been in a relationship with him for 14 days!  Wow, that was before Matilda and Hunter were even born!
 Yeah, so, Lemon and I cut to the chase.
 Cerulean and Moss sleeping.  Cerulean... you're (possibly) next.  I still have you and Magenta to utilise. 
 Yes, you look pretty, now get away from the mirror!
 Evie yet again gave Rose the hairy eyeball. 
 Oh! Sorry! Yeah, so, Evie and Everly grew up.  Evie here gained the Loves the Cold trait.
 And Everly the Never Nude one.
 I had to buy another bunk bed. 
 Why am I always painting when I discover I'm pregnant? This should be odd, because I don't paint too often. 
 We've currently got renovations going on.
 Ooh, another bloodstone!  We've got lots of gems spawning on our lot. 
 The baby was on its way, so Rose took me to the hospital. 
 Meanwhile the children slept. 
 Meet Savannah Tansy Bloom.  She was born with the Insane and Loner traits.  Tansy is a yellow flower.  Her skin is yellow like her father, Lemon's. 
 MORE twins!?!? This is Darcy Maize Bloom (Maize is a shade of yellow).  He also has yellow skin (isn't it weird, all of my twins so far have been born with the same skin tone as their twin?).  He was born with the Excitable and Easily Impressed traits (coincidentally, the same ones Everly was born with). 
Of course Lemon came home with us.  He was excited to be a father.  He was already the uncle to four children in this house. 

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