Tuesday 28 January 2014

Renovations, Identical Children and... a Genie?

 I was just feeding Teddy when Kenji hugged me!
 He then proceeded to play with Jack.
 Then he whipped a wand-like thing out and I don't even know...
 Now that the triplets are born I have come to the realisation that this house isn't really suited to our needs.  It's not very family-friendly and it's a bit old fashioned for me - SOOOOOO.... RENOVATIONS!  Gemma and I started to clean out the kitchen.
 Please don't call the social worker on me... my garden was the only place the kids could be and not get in the way of the demolition guys!
 Gemma and I managed to remove the benches but I had to get a professional to remove the stove and fireplace.
 Here's some of our furniture (it all came with the house) out the front for curb side collection (or for anyone who wants to salvage it - it's still good).
 The stuff.
 No one was collecting it, then I realised I could make money by selling the stuff on Gumtree!  It all sold!
 I found a Dusty Old Lamp and decided it needed a good clean...
 Until this happened!
 A GENIE popped out!!!! Her name is Shelly Woodruff
I gossiped with her and she told me that apparently Sheila Blanco (Baby 4 Evie's girlfriend) has been flirting with my Matilda (Baby 2)!! a) Why would Matilda do that to her sister? b) How does the genie know this when she lives in a lamp!??
I asked her what people say about me and apparently Blanche Bloom is a Dirtbag!! Like she'd know...
 She then informed me that she could grant me three wishes - oh wow!
 "So, what can I choose from?"
 I picked 'Fortune' and then she started glowing maniacally!
 And then this started happening to me!
 I was raised off the ground... and then we received $100 000!!! Just what we needed in light of the renovations! (and to move my Young Adults out)
 The top floor, which used to contain my bedroom and bathroom, has now gone.
The front garden and fencing has been removed too. 
 In all the hubbub and commotion with the renovations and my friend Shelly the genie, we didn't get to properly celebrate Liam's birthday!
 Handsome man! (His randomised outfit isn't too shabby either - good, I won't have to change it!)
 So handsome.
Baby 14, Liam James Bloom as a Young Adult.  He chose the Schmoozer trait.  His LTW is the Illustrious Author (he's also Artistic).  [I forgot to get him a job before moving him out, so he's basically unemployed]. I still think he's a good mixture of James and I (see post: Still No Babies!). 
Oh, speaking of how my children look, I was looking at photos of them before and I noticed something I've never noticed before...
 Parker (Baby 11) and
Thomas (Baby 12) are practically IDENTICAL!!! 
Apart from their colourings and eyebrows, their nose, mouth, eye shape, ears, EVERYTHING is identical. I made the pictures larger so you can see it better. How weird is that!?? Remember how I said Thomas is my child who looks most like me? Well, I take it back... Thomas AND Parker look most like me. Because they're identical!!  Okay, maybe Parker's head is a little bit wider, but seriously.  They're not even twins! Okay, they ARE cousins.  Their fathers are Magenta Hue (Parker) and Cerulean Hue (Thomas). But then again, their cousins/half-siblings also include Matilda, Hunter, Evie, Everly, Savannah, Darcy and Heidi (twin of Thomas, cousin of Parker) who look nothing like these two. FREAKY. ACTUALLY, Liam looks a lot like them too, doesn't he?? 
They seemed to all look different in the Teen stage, but now as Young Adults they're identical? I'm thinking my genes might be a little strong... either that or my children are glitching!!
 Our renovations are going nicely.  Here's an aerial view of the new house.
 The dining/entrance.
 The kitchen.
 Another view of the kitchen.
 The lounge room.  We haven't really done this room yet - everything's just dumped in there.
 Liam, honey, I'm not sure that's how you're supposed to hold your little brother...
 See!!! I KNEW he looked different in reality! He looks different here than in his CAS mugshot.  I thought his eyes were wider - and I was right!! Maybe it's a CAS glitch for my boys??
 Off to yet another graduation! Me pushing Jack.
 Gemma doesn't look to happy about something. I'm pretty sure she's holding Monet.
 Liam insisted on carrying Teddy.
 Tossing his diploma!! He graduated with Honours and received the Most Likely To Never Leave the House award (another one of my kids has gotten that one before).
 Jack is a cutie!!
 Birthday time!! Teddy first.
 Teddy as a child. I really don't like that hairstyle. He gained the Loves the Cold trait.
 Jack didn't make it to his cake but here he is as a child!! He gained the Excitable trait.
 Liam looks enthralled by Teddy's story about sushi.
 The bubbas all in bed/swing.  In the foreground is Rory, the other cot is Effie and Monet in the swing.
 Time for the traditional graduation photo!!
 I'm busting!! Liam moved in with older brothers Parker, Ryder and Jagger.
 I had to do at least one of the three bathrooms - this is my ensuite.
 The school bus came!! It actually came!! For ages there it never came (I think it was even back when Heidi and Thomas were teens) but Jack and Teddy's ageing must've reset it!
 The same old bus driver!
 Triplets in bed! And crying!
 Sitting with Effie (?) with a nice view of the pool area.
 Sooo many paparazzi in the backyard!! ALL the time!
 Toddler time!! Baby 18, Monet, as a toddler.  She has Kenji's hair and my eyes.
 And she's using those eyes to glare evilly at her brother!!!
 Baby 20, Effie, as a toddler. She looks like Kenji.  She has my hair and what I assumed to be Kenji's eyes.
 Oh, crossed eyed!
 Baby 19, Rory, as a toddler.  He has my hair and eyes.
 Happy Rory!
 Hey, Rose drove past!! (That's Baby 1 if you've forgotten).
 Gemma was collecting things at the criminal warehouse where she bumped into Chuck (father of Baby 8, Charley) in an interesting getup!
 Savannah (No. 6) was there too!
 Due to a crying baby who was in their room, the boys slept in the clubhouse/treehouse.
 Yum, onion!!
 The kiddos, Teddy, Gemma and Jack, doing their homework together!
 Me gardening - I managed to manufacture a Forbidden Fruit seed and planted it, waiting to see what fruits it bears!
 Wow, time goes by so quickly!! It's time for Jack and Teddy to age up again!
 Make a wish!!
 Penny Sheets has returned, but she's in her bathers?? Must be a side effect of Leisure Day!
 Monet sleeping.
 Rory in his cot.
 Effie playing with her doll.
 Okay, here's Baby 16, Teddy, as a Teen.  He gained the Socially Awkward trait.
 And his twin, Baby 17 Jack, as a Teen.  He gained the Athletic trait.  Now they've swapped - as children I used to think Jack's hairstyle was nicer... now it's the opposite!  I wish you could properly see Jack's face, but he insists on wearing his hair this way.
 Quick, quick, it's their birthday!! Gotta teach them their skills, quick!  Gemma teaching Rory to talk and Jack teaching Effie to talk.
 Now they've grown up!! Here's Monet as a child.  She gained the Light Sleeper trait.
 Rory as a child.  He gained the Brave trait.  Fun fact: he's only my third son to have my hair colour, following Darcy and Parker.
 Effie as a child.  She gained the Over-Emotional trait.  She's very much like Kenji in looks.
Uh, oh... another Young Adult!!!  I always forget to throw birthday parties.  
Baby 15, Gemma Davina Bloom, as a Young Adult.  I'm glad she changed her hairstyle.  She gained the Eccentric trait and her LTW is the Alchemy Artisan.  I've now raised FIFTEEN children into Young Adults - wow!! 

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